Remote access to JSTOR is now available for current members of the Roman Society and Hellenic Society.

To access: use this link to log in to your Library account, using your full name and Library card barcode number.

Then click on the option for Catalogue Search and in the title search, input the phrase JSTOR journal storage. (Or follow this link.)
Select the option - Off site access available for University of London students and staff with current SHL or SAS cards.

If you are a member of either / both Societies and have not been issued with a plastic library card, please contact the Library and one will be posted to you (please confirm your postal address) or you may collect one at the Library desk.

Information for non-members:

If you are not a Society member and are unable to access JSTOR remotely through a university, you can register for a MyJSTOR account and read up to six articles a month online. Further instruction can be found here: MyJSTOR

A number of universities in the UK and overseas offer their alumni access to JSTOR. More information and a list of participating institutions can be found here: Alumni Access to JSTOR