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Bibliographic Search Resources

Below is an A - Z list of bibliographic search resources. For the computing resources, you must be using one of the library computers in order to access the materials. Many of the resources below are freely available online, and are marked with an *.

Bibliographie Instrumentum 1994-2001 by M.Feugère et al.
To accompany book at classmark X127F in the library - a bibliography covering a wide range of crafts / industries including: military equipment, works of art, textiles and medical instruments.

*Bibliographie Papyrologique / Subsidia Papyrologia. 1.0
An index to books, book reviews, periodical articles and conference papers on papyrological themes issued by the Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elizabeth in Brussels since 1932. This electronic version covers 1960 onwards and is freely available. Scroll down the page to see Entree to search the database. A 4 page classification of codes allows a search by subject areas covered, e.g. 250 Voyages, 364 Greek Authors followed by the author's name e.g. Homerus

*Bibliographies for Roman Studies
Tools of the Trade was conceived by Lowell Edmunds as a bibliographic guide for graduate students and others interested in furthering their knowledge of the Roman world. When the expansion of scholarly resources and the growing capabilities of web-based publication made a second edition desirable, Professor Edmunds decided to divide the project into thirteen discrete bibliographies, each with its own editor/compiler. At this point, the project was passed on to Sander M. Goldberg of UCLA, who has assumed responsibility for editing the final documents and posting them on this site. The content and form of each bibliography has been determined by the subject editor, who is identified in the heading for each document. Specific suggestions, questions, and comments about its content should be addressed to that individual. General questions and comments should be addressed to Professor Goldberg.

Bryn Mawr Classical Review

Bryn Mawr Classical Review publishes timely open-access, peer-reviewed reviews of current scholarly work in the field of classical studies, including archaeology. This site is the authoritative archive of BMCR’s publications, from 1990 to the present.

References to books, conference papers, journal articles in German Archaeological Institute in Rome, 1956- 2020. The database may be searched by subject, author, title, keyword, series, and periodical title. Results of searches may be printed or downloaded. Updated annually. Online version also available using any of the networked computers in the Computer Room.

Please note that in order to access Dyabola, you will need to ask at the library desk for the password but for a freely available version link to ZENON DAI.

Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques (DPhA) 
This database produced by Brepols provides comprehensive coverage of philosophers and important witnesses of the Greek and Roman philosophical tradition, from the Presocratics to the late Neoplatonists of the sixth century and some Byzantine scholars whose role was important for the conservation of the Greek philosophical heritage. The database is concerned with the life, the intellectual activities of the philosophers, the inventory of their preserved or at least attested works and the conservation or exploitation of their works in the later tradition down to Byzantine times and in the literatures of the medieval Near East.  There is also a selective bibliography of editions, translations, commentaries, lexicons.  There are over 2,900 articles prepared by French and foreign scholars, who make use of literary sources as well as inscriptions and papyri. Access is available for current members of ICS / HARL -  login via the catalogue – using the interact section - then search by title Dictionnaire des Philosophers Antiques – selecting the entry with internet icon and 2018 on the right-hand side, then use the clickable link. Link to search tips here.

Eurytes Ed. A.D.Dimarogonas. Volume shelved at X140A. 1992 volume held. An electronic index to Synopsis. An annual index of Greek studies.

The Gnomon Bibliographic Database (GBD) is launched in a new version from May 2020. It is one of the most extensive database systems in Classical Studies, comprising 630,000 entries of specialized literature, including entries on the history of scholarship. The database lists monographies, edited   volumes with all contributions, journal articles, reviews, and dictionaries from all of the modern era and in all academic languages, all of which are searchable in detail with a comprehensive, multilingual thesaurus (currently ca. 25,000 catchwords). The indexing of YouTube-material and other internet resources is at the moment a unique characteristic of GBD.  At the beginning of December 2024, GBD will introduce a new search interface, which is also based on a new index. Look forward to numerous improvements, such as greater stability, an enhanced relevance ranking, complex search queries, and much more.

Initially, the GBD was conceptualized by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Malitz (Eichstätt) at the end of the 1980s. Malitz has served as the databases‘ main editor until today, since 2003 together with Prof. Dr. Gregor Weber (Augsburg). They’re supported by Prof. Dr. Michael Rathmann(Eichstätt) and Dr. Andreas Hartmann (Augsburg).

The indexing is borne by the Chairs in Ancient History at the University of Augsburg and the University of Eichstätt. There has been a close collaboration with the Bavarian State Library (Munich) and the University libraries at Augsburg, Eichstätt and Tübingen. There are also ongoing collaborations with the editorial team of the journal „Gnomon“(Munich) and the Hellenic and Roman Library (London). A cooperation agreement with the German Archaeological Institute has also been concluded.

Hellas fur Windows
Bibliographic database of literature on travel to Greece and Asia Minor until the mid 20th century.

Project Herakles. Bibliographical Databank on the Ancient World and Art including prices. This is the database of the bookseller and publisher "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, and currently contains 9795 entries and dates from 1992 onwards, but has not been updated for a number of years. Emphasis is on Art and Archaeology. Searching is by title, author/editor, classification, year of publication or keyword.

JSTOR Journals
Full text searching of journal articles. Browse to known journal titles  or search for authors, titles, keywords. There are options to limit searches by categories, e.g. Classical Studies, Archaeology, Philosophy, History or by type of material or to exclude material such as book reviews or by date range. Access does not usually include the last 3 years of publication.

Remote access is now available for current members of the Roman Society and Hellenic Society. To access: use this link to log in to your Library account, using your full name - first name then surname and Library card barcode number (no spaces between the numbers). Then click on the option for Catalogue Search and in the title search, input the phrase JSTOR journal storage. (Or follow this link.) Select the option - Off site access available for University of London students and staff with current Senate House Library  (SHL) card or School of Advanced Study (SAS) card.

L'Année Philologique Note new option to search for Reception Studies.
An important resource for Classicists (which is also available in print form) provides access to bibliographic records for books, conference papers, journal articles, on every aspect of Graeco-Roman antiquity. This is now published by Brepols.  Many of the entries have abstracts. It is possible to search for modern authors, ancient authors, keywords, periodical title and limit by year, language etc.

From May 2023 it is now possible to search for material on Reception Studies after a successful pilot study.  Using the thematic search, select "Subject tree" and in the dialog box that opens, click on "Modern reception", and then "Insert/Close" (at the top right corner of the box). Then click on "Search". It is also possible to access individual records by searching in the usual way for subjects, authors, titles, or other criteria.

New features added in May 2020 are statistical analyses of journals, authors and subject area  - helpful for scholars considering where to publish. The subject thesaurus is now available in 5 languages and the headings have been harmonized into one sequence. 

Other functions include a citation tool;  EndNote, Zotero, RefWorks, RIS, Microsoft Office Word; Full text links are provided where possible; There are currently over 1,400,000 records, 14,000 added annually and 1000 journals indexed.

Remote access is available for members after logging in via the library catalogue or through this link.

Oxford Classical Dictionary Printed edition Oxford University Press, 2012 . 4th ed. Online version is regularly updated with new entries. General editors Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth ; assistant editor Esther Eidinow.  There are links between entries and often bibliographic information  recommending a few key texts or journal articles. Access to online version is only available within the Library via Oxford Reference works. However, Library staff have remote access through a connection to the library PC. Please contact  for more information / requests

Table of Contents of interest to Classicists. Freely available internet database based in Canada, compiled by librarians worldwide. View and search the contents pages of Classics, Near Eastern Studies, and Religion journals. Basic search by author or title keywords.

Virgil bibliography By Niklas Holzberg. Dedicated to Philip Hardie and Stephen Harrison. Covers Aeneid, Bucolics, Georgics, Vita Vergilianae, Appendix Vergiliana. Author, subject and line indexes. Also available from his Bibliographies page

Search tips

Link to search tips here PDF 692.84 KB
Classification-Bibliog. Papyrologique PDF 86.36 KB