Admission and Membership

Visitors and Non Members
Subject to the discretion of the Librarian, anyone with appropriate accreditation / photo I.D. may apply for reference access for a maximum of two days, particularly to consult material not available elsewhere, by completing a Visitor's form upon entry to the Library. However, the Librarian reserves the right to refuse admission. If the Library is overcrowded at any time non-members may be asked to return when there is less pressure on space.
Admission to the Library is available to members of the Institute of Classical Studies, and to members of the Hellenic Society and Roman Society, both categories being automatically registered as readers.
Institute of Classical Studies
Library entitlements:
Reference use only
Free of charge
Membership criteria:
Appointed teachers and other full-time teachers in the University of London in subjects within the scope of the Institute.
Graduates pursuing postgraduate studies in the University in subjects within the scope of the Institute.
Teachers in Classical Studies from other universities and university colleges in this country and from universities in other countries.
Research students in Classical Studies from other universities and university colleges in this country and from universities in other countries, who are recommended by their academic supervisors.
Other persons approved by the Director.
Please visit the library to register. An application form can be downloaded here if you wish to complete it in advance.
Hellenic and Roman Societies
Library entitlements:
Reference use.
Borrowing up to 5 volumes per Society for 30 days, either in person or by post. Readers are permitted one renewal of another period of 30 days. If volumes are returned within the ‘grace period’ of one week beyond the due date, then no fines are payable – otherwise there is a fine of 20p per day for each overdue volume from the due date.
Annual subscription.
Hellenic Society Membership
Roman Society Membership
Membership criteria:
Open to all those interested in any aspect of Hellenic and/or Roman studies, including:
Individuals (For student members tutor's agreement / (signature on application form or confirmatory email required for the Hellenic Society; Tutor's name only for the Roman Society)
Student members - Students are permitted to have up to 9 years at the student rate to allow for undergraduate and postgraduate work (Tutor's name required).
*For full details of institutional and corporate membership prices and library membership rights, please see the terms and conditions on the Hellenic Society and Roman Society websites.
Classical Association
Library entitlements:
Reference use.
Current members of the classical association are entitled to reference only on-site use of the library. To register for a library card please complete this form and bring it to the library, along with proof of your current membership of the Classical Association.
Library regulations
The right to use the library is subject to compliance with the library regulations.